Letting go....
Grief /Suicide Loss Blog
Though I tend to blog about all kinds of things, these post are specifically about anger, grief and coping after losing someone you love to suicide. Although its been over six years for me, I've only just begun to truly process losing my dad to suicide. Though, truth be told, I lost both of my parents to suicide: My father to the act and my mother to the consequences. It is my hope that by sharing my experience, someone else may feel a little less alone.
Post-Traumatic Growth? Um... no, thanks...
There are things in life which change us.
At the airport, missing my van!
Heal quietly, in a safe place. And THEN go spread the word!
#Vanlife doesn't equal freedom!
Once again, defining "nomad"
Beyond pink doors...
The human body can only contain so many secrets.
Roosters don't fly...
Enough already... it's time to speak up.
Live a Great Story!
Does grief have a timeline? Umm... Nope.
Help! I'm hosting Christmas dinner, and I only have two plates.
Well... this is embarrassing...
When Freedom Isn't Free...